One Room Challenge: Week One

One Room Challenge Guest Participant

Our Kitchen before

I was invited to be a participant in the one room challenge once again for the second time.

The one room challenge, for those of you who don’t know, is an online forum where 20 of the nations top interior design influencers will get together to share creative ideas for interior design concepts to inspire the home designer.

This is my second time participating in the One Room Challenge, but the first time in my own home, and I cannot tell you how much more pressure that seems to be!

I design daily for others for a living, so if I can’t design some for myself, what does that say??? (Please don’t answer that!)

Dining Room: Before

When we built our home eight years ago, I was finishing my career in the wine industry, starting a second bachelor’s degree in interior design, going through fertility treatments, and was 27 years old.

Let’s face it, I did not have time, nor did I know, what I really wanted my home to look like. I had some ideas, but little time to process those ideas and allow them to come to fruition.

In the past eight years my family has grown from a family of two to a family of four.

It’s more about inspiration and creativity than competition and is meant to be a celebration of creativity, inspiration, and light for designers of all backgrounds.

You can learn more by checking out One Room Challenge on Facebook and Instagram or following the #OneRoomChallenge.

We have a 6 and 4-year-old and two aging dogs.

My home has become a place where I just try to find things that are either so inexpensive I won’t cry if they get ruined or, try to find bullet proof options that despite the four tiny beings in my homes best efforts, cannot be destroyed.

I want a new kitchen, but according to my husband, (the voice of reason) I have a new kitchen, I just want a different kitchen.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the layout and pieces we used to build this space, it is my aesthetic that has evolved.

One place I have always wanted to switch up was my breakfast area. It was too formal, too stiff and just not suitable for my children’s daily use. I made the decision to sell the furniture in this spot about a year ago, with no real plan how to move forward on this space

I mean, I create wonderful spaces for my clients every day, why not do the same in my home, for my kids and my husband!

The challenge will be putting one more job on top of my currently full client list!

Dining Room: After

Follow along as we share our updates every Thursday on this spontaneous idea that I had, to do this fun and crazy project in one of our business’s busiest times of the year!


Sarah O’Dell

Founder of Dwell Chic

p.s. to learn more about the one room challenge head over to

Sarah O'Dell